What is EAP Assistance Program and How One Can Be Benefitted

Employers provide private counseling and support to their employees and often their families through EAP Assistance Program . Below is an overview of EAPs, along with their benefits to the individual: What is an EAP? An Employee Assistance Program is a job-based intervention program with the aim of assisting employees in identifying and resolving personal problems that may be adversely affecting their health, well-being, and ability to perform their job. Such problems may include, but are not limited to, the following: Mental health issues (including but not limited to: depression, anxiety, stress) Substance use disorders Family or marital problems Financial problems Legal problems Work-related conflict What Are the Advantages of EAP? Confidential Counseling: EAPs provide free, short-term counseling for employees. Many EAPs are available over the phone 24 hours a day to employees who need immediate support. Work-Life Balance: Programs can educate employees and make re...