
Showing posts from August, 2024

What is EAP Assistance Program and How One Can Be Benefitted

Employers provide private counseling and support to their employees and often their families through EAP Assistance Program . Below is an overview of EAPs, along with their benefits to the individual: What is an EAP? An Employee Assistance Program is a job-based intervention program with the aim of assisting employees in identifying and resolving personal problems that may be adversely affecting their health, well-being, and ability to perform their job. Such problems may include, but are not limited to, the following: Mental health issues (including but not limited to: depression, anxiety, stress) Substance use disorders Family or marital problems Financial problems Legal problems Work-related conflict What Are the Advantages of EAP? Confidential Counseling: EAPs provide free, short-term counseling for employees. Many EAPs are available over the phone 24 hours a day to employees who need immediate support. Work-Life Balance: Programs can educate employees and make re...